Canada’s Resource Curse: Too Much of a Good Thing
Par Daniel Drache
Canada has been both blessed and cursed by its vast resource wealth. Immense resource riches sends the wrong message to the political class that thinking and planning for tomorrow is unnecessary when record high global prices drive economic development at a frenetic pace. Short-termism…
La planète migratoire et les métissages
Par Catherine W. De Wenden
En ce début du vingt et unième siècle, le monde est entré en migration. Jamais la mondialisation des flux migratoires n’a atteint une telle ampleur. Avec 214 millions de migrants internationaux selon le rapport sur la population de 2009 des Nations Unies, les migrations ont triplé en trente ans et presque toutes…
L’Influence de la régulation sur la contribution de la microfinance au développement Le cas de la Bolivie
Par Florent Bédécarrats GRET-CERISE et Reynaldo Marconi FINRURAL
La Bolivie, pays pionnier de la microfinance, est aussi l’un des premiers à avoir mis en place une régulation spécifique de cette activité. Résolument soutenu par des institutions internationales, cet encadrement a été conçu pour servir une vision…
The Paradox of Anti-americanism: Reflection on the Shallow Concept of Soft Power
Par Alexandre Bohas
This article deals with the seeming paradox of a lasting American power and a global anti-americanism, which brings into question the relevance of the concept of soft power. Indeed, discontent over the current hegemon does not affect the consumption of its goods and the diffusion of its symbols…
Negotiating Insecurity Law, Psychoanalytic Social Theory and the Dilemmas of the World Risk Society
Par John Cash
Dr. John Cash is a Fellow in the School of Philosophy, Anthropology and Social Inquiry at the University of Melbourne. He is also an editor of the Journal of Postcolonial Studies. His publications include Identity, Ideology and Conflict; the structuration of politics in Northern Ireland…
Multi-Nodal Politics: Globalisation is What Actors Make of it
Par Philip G. Cerny
What has been traditionally conceptualised as ‘the international’ has been undergoing a fundamental transformation in recent decades, usually called ‘globalisation’. Globalisation is a highly contested concept, and even among those who accept that some sort of globalisation process is occurring…