Apr 20, 2010 | Humanitarian, Passage au crible (English)
By Philippe Ryfman
Passage au crible n°19
Measuring 7.0 to 7.3, the earthquake that occurred in Haiti on 12th January 2010 already appears to be one of the most severe in the last twenty-five years. The human toll has reached at least 230,000 dead, 300,000 wounded and 1.2 million homeless in the capital and neighbouring towns…
Feb 26, 2010 | European Union, Foreign policy, Passage au crible (English)
By Elsa Tulmets
Passage au crible n°16
After the failure of the Copenhagen climate conference in December 2009, the new president of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy, summoned the representatives of the member states of the EU (European Union) to a special summit on 11th February 2010, a summit devoted to boosting the economy. This was the first publicized event…
Feb 18, 2010 | Climate change, environment, Multilaterism, Passage au crible (English)
By Simon Uzenat
Passage au crible n°15
Organised under the aegis of the UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change), the aim of the negotiations was to reach a legally binding agreement at the 15th CP (Conference of the Parties), held at Copenhagen from 7th to 19th December 2009. The objective was to prolong and intensify the efforts programmed at Kyoto, which reach their term…
Feb 11, 2010 | Global Public Health, North-South, Passage au crible (English)
By Clement Paule
Translation: Melissa Okabe
Passage au crible n°14
On January 29, 2010, during the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Bill and Melinda Gates announced that their foundation would finance the research, development and distribution of new vaccines in developing countries…
Feb 2, 2010 | Defense, Passage au crible (English), Security, Terrorism
By Hervé Pierre
Passage au crible n°13
“We must reach out to all of our countrymen, especially our disenchanted brothers, who are not part of al-Qaida, or other terrorist networks”, Hamid Karzaï declared before the delegates from 70 countries assembled in London on 28th January 2010. The reconciliation option was announced by the Afghan president as early as 2003, when it already distinguished between the good…
Jan 26, 2010 | Global Public Goods, Global Public Health, North-South, Passage au crible (English)
By Clément Paule
Passage au crible n°12
The PACE (Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe) should begin an investigation into the threat of false pandemics end of January 2010. In a motion voted on December 18, 2009, the Health Committee of this institution accuses the pharmaceutical industry and WHO (World Health Organization) experts of…