Nov 9, 2012 | environment, Global Public Health, Passage au crible (English)
By Clément Paule
Translation: Pierre Chabal
Passage au crible n°78
Published on September 19, 2012, the study led by Gilles-Eric Séralini – professor of molecular biology at the Caen University, France – revived the debate on GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) and their use in the food…
Oct 28, 2012 | European Union, Nobel Peace Prize, Non-state diplomacy, Passage au crible (English)
By Josepha Laroche
Translation: Pierre Chabal
Passage au crible n°77
On Friday 12 October 2012, the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the European Union. The Chairman of the Nobel Committee, Thorbjorn Jagland, stated in his proclamation speech that…
Oct 20, 2012 | Africa, Defense, Passage au crible (English), Security
By Jean-Jacques Roche Translation: Pierre Chabal
On 15 October 2012, the Security Council of the United Nations adopted Resolution 2071 presented at the request of the Malian authorities and with the support of France. Pressing countries in West Africa…
Oct 5, 2012 | Defense, North-South, Passage au crible (English), Security
By Josepha Laroche Translation: Pierre Chabal
From 26 to 31 August 2012, Tehran hosted the 16th summit of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), which comprises today 120 member-countries. At the end of the rally, attended by 35 Heads of State and Government…
Sep 22, 2012 | Articles, Fil d'Ariane, Publications (English)
Par Alexandre Bohas
This article deals with the seeming paradox of a lasting American power and a global anti-americanism, which brings into question the relevance of the concept of soft power. Indeed, discontent over the current hegemon does not affect the consumption of its goods and the diffusion of its symbols…
Sep 15, 2012 | Culture en, Global Public Goods, Passage au crible (English), UN
By Alexandre Bohas Translation: Pierre Chabal
The looting of Muslim shrines perpetrated in Mali in 2012 by religious extremists has raised consternation of global proportions. However, after this unanimity without effect, it is important to examine the specificity of the common…