Sep 15, 2012 | Culture en, Global Public Goods, Passage au crible (English), UN
By Alexandre Bohas Translation: Pierre Chabal
The looting of Muslim shrines perpetrated in Mali in 2012 by religious extremists has raised consternation of global proportions. However, after this unanimity without effect, it is important to examine the specificity of the common…
Jul 7, 2012 | environment, Global Public Goods, Multilaterism, Passage au crible (English)
By Clément Paule Translation: Pierre Chabal
From 20 to 22 June 2012, the Brazilian metropolis of Rio de Janeiro hosted the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development. Involving more than 40,000 participants – representing multinational firms…
Jul 3, 2012 | Global Public Goods, North-South, Passage au crible (English)
By Armand Suicmez
Translation: Pierre Chabal
Passage au crible n°70
On 23 May 2012, seven NGOs issued a press release informing of the current famine situation in Yemen. Against a backdrop of civil war and massive displacement of populations, nearly half of the population is affected…
May 4, 2012 | environment, Global Public Goods, Passage au crible (English), Security
By Clément Paule Translation: Pierre Chabal
For over a month, the oil giant Total has been trying to stem the gas leak that broke out on March 25th 2012 in the G4 well of the Elgin platform in the North Sea. To this end, the firm is using simultaneously a “dynamic kill”…
Apr 15, 2012 | environment, Global Public Goods, Multilaterism, Passage au crible (English)
By Valérie Le Brenne Translation : Pierre Chabal
From March 12th till March 17th, 2012, the World Water Council organised in Marseille, France, the 6th World Water Forum. Entitled Time for Solutions, this triennial conference brought together over 20 000 participants…
Apr 8, 2012 | Global Public Goods, Passage au crible (English)
By Alexandre Bohas Translation: Pierre Chabal
Qatar regularly features high in newspaper headlines for its acquisition of works of art. The reining family, aware of the limited resources of their territory, has invested abroad. This paper seeks to understand…