By combining the analysis of international relations with political philosophy, the author believes a political unification movement has been permeating the world stage. Yet, reasons of this historic turning point still have to be identified. Do closer ties between States explain it? What kind of institutional form does it take: justice, peace? In order to answer to these questions, F. Ramel has been working on the main currents of thought in order to stress their singularities. It allows the reader to take hold of current controversies, wisely.
Yet, whether the latter deals with the conflict between cosmopolitism and communitarianism, whether the perspective of a coming destruction of the environment is acknowledged or whether we give humanity a new status, the multi-secular tension between the universal and the particular always win.
Frédéric Ramel, L’Attraction mondiale, Paris, Presses de Sc. Po, 2013, 287 p., including 24 p. of references and index.